Healing the divine feminine
Healing the divine feminine

healing the divine feminine

It feels everything as one and connected. The sacred feminine principle isn’t something you have to go and find or get. Divine Feminine consciousness isn’t something that is happening ‘outside’ of you. It is our emotional and creative aspect of us. And anchoring divine feminine energies deep into our lives through acting them out, so that what we create from here, comes from this new paradigm of healing and compassion. The feminine energy has the creative vision, inspiration, intuition and the connection to spirit, and mother earth. This energy is universal and has always existed. The divine feminine energy is the receiving, intuitive and creative energy. The Divine Feminine is not just a term that relates to women. You are the Divine Feminine, encompassing every aspect of life itself within the inner depths of your body, mind, spirit and soul. This is different from traits of doggedness and sheer persistent effort. But far from being rigid and fixed, the Divine Feminine manifests through the 4 as devotion. It has stamina and enjoys routine and regularity.

healing the divine feminine healing the divine feminine

Physically, the 4 is tenacious and strong. Soul speakers in the hall, deep rest, healing & sharing This is a divinely-guided retreat, FOR YOU. You are the Divine Feminine, in all your glory and all your imperfections. The Number 4, Divine Feminine and Embodied Wisdom. Yoga, guided meditation, crystal sound bowl healing, jewelry making, mediumship, 1:1 healing sessions, REST, plant medicine, reiki. Morning prayer circle & RAMPAGES of appreciation. Also, love offerings & donations are deeply appreciated for 1:1 sessions & plant medicine ceremonies. I’ve been on a healing path through this blessed practice of Yoga for over 30 years and I’ve helped thousands of women. Note that price includes food, drink, workshops & classes Bringing snacks to share with the group is recommended as well as any special nutrition needs for yourself. After confirmation/payment your sacred space will be reserved and the healing will begin. Willow Sky Ranch Fredericksburg, Tx April 29th-May 1st, 2022. These transmissions are meant for men and women, as we all carry the dormant seeds of the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within us. Allow yourself to receive this experience. The transmission of the Nusta rites instills deep healing and connection with your Sacred Purpose.

healing the divine feminine

Another time will be arranged for you.Immerse yourself in the healing of the divine feminine. You are worthy of this sacred ritual of going within, feeling peace, connection, initiating healing & expansion in who you are and who you are to become. Please note that no refunds will be issued if cancelled within 48 hours of your booking time.To book please email me or text 0422 958 100 and I’ll call you to arrange your appointment.Īppointments are with me in my Buderim studio. This is a beautiful and empowering healing that can help you release much while gifting you freedom from the pain you’ve been carrying. In this healing ritual we cast circle calling in our Goddesses and Guides, I then work intuitively using whatever modality is fitting to reveal the wounds – then we do a Shamanic Munay Ki Rite of Womb ceremony to heal them. Many women carry deep trauma in their wombs created by various factors such as childbirth, abuse, negative patterns of behaviour ingrained in us from childhood and even past life experiences. This is a beautiful ritual designed to help you heal the parts of your Divine Feminine that are wounded and causing you emotional pain.

Healing the divine feminine